Thursday, January 29, 2009

El Calafate OhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygodOhmygod! Patagonia is AMAZING. I ended up flying into Patagonia because it was pretty much the same price, minus the 4 to 5 days on a bus. My first stop is El Calafate- a little mountain town thats 80km from the national park where the Gran Moreno Glacier is located. The weather felt amazing after the humidity of Buenos Aires. Its a bit like Bend, Oregon weather (dry and dusty and cool). But the wind, it will knock you over! I took a bus out to the Glacier which was about an hour´s drive from here, then got on a boat to get a little closer. The Glacier is not only visually stunning, but is incredibly loud. There are huge pieces of ice that are constantly falling into the water. Afterwards I did a little hike til the bus headed back. I still cant believe how massive the Glacier is. Today I spent my time walking around the shops and taking some pictures. Tomorrow I head to El Chalten which is a frontier town (meaning they have NOTHING) to do a trek into the Fitz Roy Mountains! After that Ill cross over to the east coast to see some penguins!!!! All the travel companies keep laughing at me when I tell them I´m searching for penguins, but who wouldnt wanna see penguins?! Trying to get anywhere down here is pretty difficult unless you´re going in a straight line due to lack of roads. There arent very many bus companies, so when the bus fills up you have to wait a few days for another one. Wish me luck!!


  1. wow- oh wow!!
    Jt was here when I pulled this up and repeated each location and said- "no way" each time.
    He is jealous and I am so proud.
    Take Care Kiddo- what an amazing time you are having.

  2. So proud as well!! Great information!
    Love the picts! This is such your calling!
    Your such a natural, Enjoy every minute!
    WLST-Aunt S

  3. I'm totally all about seeing penguinos. Did you know my soccer team in Oregon was called Penguinos! AND it was National Penguin day just a couple weeks ago.

    Did you find some? I'm traveling back in time and reading your blog! I didn't realize it was in your little box. Wooo hoo for you in South America. Boo hoo for me in school.

    P.S. Olenka9 = me, Kricket!
