Friday, April 24, 2009

Mummykins in South America!

Despite very long segments of flights, my mom showed up at the airport fresh as a daisy and ready to get to business! We headed back to town and went straight for lunch at El Federal (I know, but this place is sooo good). We had a tapas platter and a bottle of wine which inevidably got her tipsy. Lets just say the walk back to the hostel was filled with my mom making random bursts of delight noises and laughing while I pulled her across streets to dodge traffic. Mothers.... so easily delighted.

Our days in Buenos Aires were filled with visiting good restaurants, cafes, wine bars and lots of window shopping along the way. We even hit up an underground Tango club one evening after lots of wine and a big steak dinner. We got our bus tickets for a 16hr trip to Iguazu AND it was the first time I got the executive class Ticket. While my mom wasnt totally impressed with fully reclining leather seats big enough to curl up in and meals that didnt consist of day old cheese sanwiches, I was so happy I would have stayed on the bus for another few hours.

We stayed at Los Troncos Bed in Iguazu and it was fantastic! The woman that runs the place couldnt be nicer, our room had a loft with a deck and there was a pool! It was so nice to be in a tropical climate again - even though I got plenty of mosiquito bites. My mom discovered the Caparaina (a brazilian drink) and fell in love. All those in Portland, be prepared for a tropically themed house warming!

The falls were even more spectacular then I imagined. We walked down to the first set of falls,snapped some shots, then took a boat across to an Island that had a lookout point right under one of the falls. Later we took a power boat ride that actually went under the falls. I dont think Ive ever heard my mom scream like that before, it was hilarious! Afterwards we took an open canopy trunk ride thru the jungle. We saw some monkeys and this little rancoon-anteater looking animal. Next we took the train to Devils Throat (the main falls). Words cant describe the grand scale of this fall and the pressure of the water right under your feet. Amazing! After being misted by the falls for a little while we headed back to town to eat our leftover steak, drink some beers and watch some TV in our big comfy loft bed.

We flew back to Buenos Aires and moved to a botique hotel in San Telmo called Telmoho. Very chic and cute with an awesome breakfast. We toured around the sunday markets the next day and hopped on a ferry headed for Uruguay.

Montevideo was like a ghostown. Nothing was open, the ferry ride had made half the boat seasick and the wind on land was chilling to the bone. Brrrrrr. We FINALLY found our hostel after wandering around empty streets, ate dinner and passed out. The next day we took a bus to Punta del Este! Beach time! We arrived with enough time to walk the beach down to the docks where we drank a Caparaina while sitting in the sand and watched the sunset. We went to dinner at a nice steakhouse and overall had a pretty nice day.

The next day we rented a car and drove up the coast as far as Punta Diablo, hitting al the fishing villages along the way. Since its off season there wasnt much open, but it was still nice to tool around the coast. My favorite towns included this surfing village called Jose Ignacio (some of the cutest beach huts Ive ever seen) and also Punta Diablo with its vibrant colors and little antigue fishing boats lining the beach.

We left the next day for Buenos Aires, had a wierd encounter with a drunk italian, but made it back to San Telmo in one piece. We had one more afternoon in Buenos Aires then headed to the airport and flew off to Peru!


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