Tuesday, February 17, 2009


In Bariloche I ran into some great people that I had met in Buenos Aires. I was easily convinced to head over to the east coast again to see some penguins!! We took a night bus across the endless tundra that divides the 2 coasts and arrived pretty early in Puerto Madryn. I went up to a Taxi driver to ask where to get a Taxi into town. He just said there are no Taxi´s..... Ummm...well dunno what you call what he was driving but it said Taxi on the side...dunno. We eventually called a cab and got through the rest of the day without too many issues.

Since there were 4 of us, we rented a car and drove about 180km south to the penguin reserve of Punto Tombo. It was the funniest and strangest place Ive ever seen. These penguins live in a frickin desert. They dig holes in the sand, hide under bushes and basically make weird sneezy noises. They were hilarious to watch but not so cuddly up close. There were no barriers that the penguins couldnt cross which meant you and the penguins were often face to face.

After a few hours of imitating penguins and laughing hysterically at ourselves, we ran out of bottled water and headed back to our car. I drove most of the way back which was awesome and scary. We stopped at this Welsh town for thats famous for tea time. Yes, tea time. So we had a spot of tea, biscuits, cakes and it was delicious! The next day we said our goodbyes and all headed in separate directions. Next stop, wine country!!

1 comment:

  1. Love love love the stories/reading about your adventures. Keep 'em coming lady, be safe white girl!
